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        Lenses have many applications ranging from the simple collection of the scanning of laser beams to precise imaging and image transfer. MT-Optics provides Plano Convex Lens, Plano Concave Lens, Double Convex Lens, Double Concave Lens, Achromatic Lens, Cylindrical Lens and Meniscus Lens with a wide range of sizes from dia3.0mm to dia300mm and materials including N-BK7, Fused Silica, N-SF5, Sapphire, CaF2, Silicon, Germanium, etc.

        Material:------------------------------------------------N-BK7, H-K9L, Fused Silica, N-SF10, Silicon, Ge,CaF2, etc.
        Diameter Tolerance:------------------------------+0.0/-0.15mm (General), +0.0/-0.02mm (High Precision)
        Focal Length Tolerance (mm):-----------------+/-2%
        Centration:--------------------------------------------<3 arc minutes
        Clear Aperture:------------------------------------>80% (Small Size), >95% (Large Size)
        Surface Figure (per 25mm@632.8nm)----<1.5λ, (General), <λ/4 (High Precision)
        IRR ( @632.8nm)----------------------------------<λ/4 (General), <λ/10 (High Precision)
        Surface Quality:-------------------------------------60/40 (General), 10/5 (High Precision)
        Protected Bevel:-------------------------------------<0.25mmx45deg
        Coating:-----------------------------------------------uncoated, AR, HR, PR Coating, etc.

        Plano Convex LensBK7
        Fused Silica
        CaF2 or Upon request
        Plano Concave LensBK7
        Fused Silica
        CaF2 or Upon request
        Double Convex LensBK7
        Fused Silica
        CaF2 or Upon request
        Double Concave LensBK7
        Fused Silica
        CaF2 or Upon request
        Achromatic Lens
        depended on the design
        Cylindrical LensBK7
        Fused Silica
        CaF2 or Upon request



        Lens Overview 

           PDF to download


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